Survival/First Aid Kit (Walk-through & Tutorial)
A hiker should know how to
properly navigate with the help of sun and moss, catch a meal, make fire with sticks, and all of it with as little of equipment as possible. A survival kit is a “bag of goodies” every hiker should customize for themselves, according to their skills, age/health, terrain & weather they are hiking in. The items listed below are some of the essentials I would find useful & even luxurious addition to my knowledge in a survival situation.
Please check out my video overview of most of the items that are on the list.
Item. Quantity.
Alcohol Pads 8
Bandage Roll 1
Adhesive Tape 1
Hand Sanitizer 1
Copper Wire 1
Cot. Balls fire starter. 8
2.5″ Pocket Knife 1
Orange Rain Poncho 1
Orange Garbage Bag 1
Space Blanket 1
Tea Bags 4
Safety Pins 4
Pencil 1
Paper 4
Fishline, Hooks, Weight
5 ft Rope 550lb 1
10 ft Rope 550lb 1
Compass 1
Light Stick 1
Foil 1
Med Kit Items
Item. Quantity.
Spazmalgon 7
Prilosec 6
Charcoal Pills 4
3109 Penicillin 9
GI Motrin 9
PDI Alc. Swaps 2
CVS Alc. Swaps 6
Syringe & needle 1
Cotton Swaps 2
XL Bandaids 2
S Bandaids 2
Cu-tips 8